New Blood Test May Identify Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Test in One Hour

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Science may soon take a step forward in the battle against drug-resistant bacteria. For critically ill patients, identification of an infectious bacteria can literally mean the difference between life and death.  If an infection is misdiagnosed, or a bacterial strain is treated with an inappropriate antibiotic, the patient can suffer irreparable harm, including death. According … Continued

Obstetrical focus on Happier Mom could mean Healthier Baby

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As the saying goes “A happy mom means happy baby.”  A recent study underscores the thought, revealing mom’s emotional state could mean a happier—and healthier – baby. A recent study published in JAMA Network Open took a look at whether there could be an association between psychological distress in mom and the developing neural networks … Continued

Report Points to Microwaves as Cause of Brain Injury of Diplomats

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From crickets to a Chinese cover-up, theories behind the cause of a neurological illness suffered by American diplomats and CIA operatives have been batted about for years.  Recently a report commissioned by the US Department of State suggests the cause of the injury and who may have been behind the attacks. Two years ago, we … Continued

After Serious Medical Error—Can you Sue the Hospital?

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Mistakes occur in healthcare settings every day. If you, or a family member, are seriously injured due to a medical error—who can your attorney pursue for compensation on your behalf? The Joint Commission is a watchdog organization that researches, develops, and promotes best practices throughout the healthcare industry. The Joint Commission certifies approximately 21,000 health … Continued

Research Cites Hospital Floors as Freeways for Pathogen Transfer

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Research affirms hospital floors offer a freeway of opportunity to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. A small study published in the journal of Infection Control and Epidemiology  evaluated the risk and frequency of transmission of dangerous bacteria to hospital floors and patient areas.  The study was part of proceedings presented at the Sixth International Conference on Health-Associated Infections … Continued

Should not be a Surprise: Better Surgeons Provide Better Outcomes

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Patients who undergo colon surgery by surgeons who routinely perform the surgery generally enjoy longer survival rates than those whose surgeons are less experienced. While the conclusion seems obvious, supporting research offers some go-to points for patients interested in boosting their odds for a successful surgical intervention. Colorectal cancer is the third most common type … Continued

2021 Safety Goals from The Joint Commission

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Seeking to enhance and improve patient safety, The Joint Commission has published its national safety goals for 2021. The Joint Commission is the credentialling agency for healthcare facilities across the US.  The organization develops evaluative standards to assess the delivery of healthcare by providers and institutions.  The Joint Commission issues sentinel alerts on topics and … Continued

Does your Pediatrician Understand the Impact of Antibiotics on Children under Two?

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Antibiotic exposure of children under the age of two could have lifetime health impacts, according to a large retrospective study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings. While antibiotic overuse is associated with drug-resistant germs, researchers from Mayo Clinic and Rutgers focused on another issue as they reviewed the medical record data of 14,572 children born … Continued

New Research Links Concussion and Parkinson’s Disease, Other Disorders

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A new study underpins the likelihood that concussion at any age can lead to development of neurological disorders. Associations between traumatic brain injury and the development of psychological and other disorders have been made before.  This large new retrospective study used a population-based cohort study to evaluate whether concussion may have an impact on the … Continued

CVS Fined for Pharmacy Medication Errors

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Retail giant CVS was recently fined for troubles in its Oklahoma pharmacies—including prescription drug errors. Medications are invaluable in the practice of medicine.  Drugs can also cause inadvertent side effects or serious complications, even when used correctly.  When medications are prescribed, dispensed, or taken improperly, the outcomes can be more serious.  While some drugs are … Continued