
Case# 4007: Misdiagnosis Resulting In Brain Injury And Paraplegia

$4 Million Misdiagnosis Resulting In Brain Injury And Paraplegia On September 1, the Plaintiff, a 52-year-old male, awakened unable to lift his right foot. He proceeded to the emergency department of the Defendant Hospital where he presented with a foot drop. Thereafter, a CT scan of the head was performed which revealed a hyperdense left … Continued


Case #3033: Misdiagnosis Results in Severe Brain Damage

$4 Million Misdiagnosis Results in Severe Brain Damage On September 1, the Plaintiff, a 52-year-old male, awakened unable to lift his right foot. He proceeded to the emergency department of the Defendant Hospital where he presented with a foot drop. Thereafter, a CT scan of the head was performed which revealed a hyperdense left parietal … Continued

Case #4022 Anaphylactic Reaction to Medication Lead to Death

$3.15 Million Anaphylactic Reaction to Medication Lead to Death On January 11, the Plaintiff’s Decedent voluntarily checked into the Defendant facility for alcohol dependency.  At the time of the Plaintiff’s Decedent’s admission, he was a 66-year old gentleman with no significant medical history other than hypertension for which he was taking 300 milligrams of Cardizem … Continued


Case #4057 Misdiagnosis Resulting in Paralysis

$3 Million Misdiagnosis Resulting in Paralysis Plaintiff was 61 years of age at the time of this medical occurrence. His medical history was notable for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and bipolar disorder. His surgical history included lumbar surgery in the 1980s, lumbar surgery at L4/5 in 2006, as well as epidural infections from 2007 and 2008. … Continued

Case #4058 Medical Negligence

$2.45 Million Medical Negligence Plaintiff was a 38 year old woman with a medical and surgical history significant for uterine fibroid and ovarian cyst removals, partial bowel resection, cholecystectomy and lysis of adhesions. Plaintiff presented to a local hospital with complaints of abdominal pain. She was diagnosed with recurrent bilateral endometriomas and was instructed to … Continued


Case# 4005: Failure To Diagnose Sepsis Results In Patients Ongoing Need For Dialysis

$2.25 Million Failure To Diagnose Sepsis Results In Patients Ongoing Need For Dialysis The Plaintiff presented to a hospital emergency room complaining of rectal bleeding. Defendant 1 removed part of the Plaintiff’s colon and performed an anastomosis. Immediately afterward, the Plaintiff developed a fever, tachycardia, increased white blood cell count, increasing creatinine, and other signs … Continued

Case #1043: Epidural Abscess

$2.2 Million Epidural Abscess In January, it is alleged that the Plaintiff experienced severe back pain which required transportation by ambulance to a local hospital. At that time, laboratory work confirmed an elevated white blood count with a left shift — indicating an infectious process. Thereafter, the Plaintiff requested a transfer to the Defendant Hospital, which … Continued